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Health & Nutrition
Check out helpful information about keeping your pet happy and healthy through exercise and quality Whole Life™ nutrition.
Feeding Calculator
How to Use Feeding Guidelines for Your Pet
TLC breaks down how to use feeding guidelines and the many factors that go into determining the right amount to feed your pet each day.
Meat ingredients
Unbox TLC Whole Life Dog Food: Prioritizing Important Meat Proteins
TLC prioritizes the health and well-being of dogs, ensuring they receive the nourishment they need to thrive.
dangerous foods for pets
Hazardous Holiday Foods To Avoid Feeding Pets
The holiday season is just around the corner and TLC wants to make your pet enjoys the festive fun safely!
Health & Nutrition
Changes in Your Puppy’s Bathroom Routine
TLC Pet Food provides potential causes for changes in your puppy's stool, urine, or bathroom routine and gives advice on how to keep your dog happy and healthy!
Digestive Health
Pre & Probiotics: Must Haves in Dog Food
Discover why TLC Pet Food includes both pre & probiotics in their food and considers them a must-have for your pet's digestive health.
Common Household Foods Not Safe For Puppies
A list of common foods found in homes that are unsafe for a puppy to eat and should be stored out of reach.
How to Slow Down Your Puppy’s Eating
TLC Pet Food shares tips and advice for how to slow down your puppy's eating to ensure they are swallowing and digesting their food properly.
How Much TLC Pet Food Should I Feed My Puppy?
TLC Pet Food shares their recommendations for feeding your new puppy along with tips for preventing obesity.
Health & Nutrition
What to Look For When Choosing a Puppy Food
TLC Pet Food shares a detailed list of red flags to watch for when selecting a puppy food, as well as what you should look for in your puppy’s food formula.