4 Easy DIY Activities to Try with Your Pet This Summer

Keep your pet cool and entertained this summer with fun DIY projects - your pet will thank you!

The “dog days” of summer are upon us, and it’s the perfect time to get creative and bond with your furry friend! These simple DIY activities will keep your pup entertained, cool, and happy this summer.

Let’s dive into these easy and fun ideas:

1. DIY Cooling Bandana

The next time you and your pet face the heat outdoors, use this simple hack to help cool them down and keep them comfortable.

Materials Needed:

  • A bandana or towel (preferably made of cotton or another breathable fabric)
  • Water
  • Fridge


  • Soak the bandana or towel under cold water.
  • Wring out the bandana or towel so it is damp but not dripping.
  • For “extra cool,” place the bandana or towel in the fridge for 10-20 minutes.
  • When ready to use it, remove the bandana or towel from the fridge and immediately place it around your pet’s body. They’ll enjoy the immediate effects and break from the heat.

2. Frozen Treats

Nothing helps cool you down on a hot day like a cold, sweet treat! Your pup’s tail is sure to start wagging with this tasty DIY:

Materials Needed:

  • Ice cube trays or silicone molds
  • Pet-friendly ingredients like plain yogurt, xylitol-free peanut butter, and pet-safe fruits
  • TLC Whole Life Dog Biscuits


  • Mix plain yogurt with a bit of water.
  • Pour the mixture into the ice cube trays or molds.
  • Add small pieces of pet-safe fruits.
  • Top it with half a TLC Whole Life Dog Biscuit.
  • Freeze until solid and serve to your pet for a refreshing treat!

3. Paw Print Art

Are you looking to create some memories and have some fun inside with your pet on a super hot day ? Check out this simple arts and crafts idea you can do with your pet.

Materials Needed:

  • Non-toxic paint
  • Large paper or canvas
  • Baby wipes or damp cloth for cleaning


  • Dip your pet’s paw into the paint (make sure it’s pet-safe and non-toxic).
  • Gently press their paw onto the paper or canvas to create a print.
  • Wipe their paws clean with baby wipes or a damp cloth.

Experiment with different colors and create a masterpiece together!

 4. Homemade Pet-Friendly Picnic

Materials Needed:

  • Picnic blanket or mat
  • Pet-safe food and treats
  • Water bowl and freshwater


  • Select a comfortable spot in the shade and enjoy a picnic in your backyard or a nearby park. If it is too hot outside, find a spot to lay your blanket down indoors!
  • Pack superior quality TLC Pet Food and treats for you and your pet to enjoy together.
  • Remember to bring lots of water for both you and your pet if outdoors.
  • Relax and bond with your pet while enjoying the outdoors and delicious treats.

Get creative, stay safe, and have a blast with your furry companion this summer!